A large part of "Four Men For Men's" success is due to the four guys who make the site, all with different personalities. Years ago, we started with just one promo that we all felt strongly about and stood behind. Against the cold professional standards that dominate the medical field from back then up until today. We wanted to set a new, high standard and appease masculine needs with a sure straight forward solution for a common concern. The company quickly grew and cemented itself as the new golden standard in natural treatments for ED. Today we continue to build on that legacy and strive for excellence in everything we promote.

Be advised: we’re a group of diverse individuals united through social media by a shared passion for combatting erectile issues topped off with another shared viewpoint, distain for the medical industry. So, we do not have any medical/medicinal accolades. We've decided to exercise respect and maintain a sense of privacy due to the sensitive subjects we cover. Rest assured that we uphold confidentiality so no one here will ever ask for anyone's info, photos, social media profiles, nor do we ask for donations. With that stated, we'll only reveal one-liners about our crew. Leo, the New Yorker - El Barrio, to be exact, is self-made with a food truck. Al, the nature enthusiast, born and raised in Niceville, Florida, is a certified herbalist / beach Bum / hippie. Then there's Gary; the Nebraskan retired policeman, with his practical, keen cop perspectives. Carlos, a marriage counselor from Mendocino, Cali: embodies California charm and is a father of 5 (FIVE!). Together, we combine our unique perspectives and diverse experiences to create Four Men For Men after carefully scouring the world wide web any and all possible leads. We then followed through with extensive research, demographics, review screenings and hours (upon hours) of verifying, composing and editing. We’re much obliged to share our findings with you!

Best Regards,
Four men for Men -
Al, Gary, Leo and Carlos.